Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL

OpenGL is an industry standard for graphics programming. Silicon Graphics first introduced it, and the name comes from their internal product “OpenGL” – OpenGL is a low-level API that lets you create complex and beautiful computer graphics. The latest version is called “OpenGL 4.5” or “OpenGL 4.6,” depending on the performance.

OpenGL is not limited to rendering graphics; it can be used for various purposes. OpenGL ES is a subset of OpenGL designed specifically for embedded systems. It is mostly used in mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets and embedded hardware such as set-top boxes. OpenGL has many features, many of which are only available in the latest version. However, there is no official way of knowing what features are available in which performance, so you must check for yourself.

This post will introduce you to computer graphics programming in OpenGL 4.2. We will look at the basics of OpenGL 4.2, including creating shaders, setting up the graphics pipeline, and rendering simple 2D and 3D objects.

If you want to learn about Computer Graphics, this course is for you. We are going to go over 3D modeling using OpenGL. We will cover 3D modeling from scratch to make an object we can use as a base for a scene. We will also examine rendering techniques and how to animate and render a moving object in 3D space.

What is OpenGL?

OpenGL stands for Open Graphics Library. It is a cross-platform API that allows developers to program graphics hardware and create graphical applications. It is used to create graphics in games, CAD, design software, scientific visualization, etc.

OpenGL is an open standard, and most desktop operating systems support it, including Linux, macOS, and Windows.

There are several versions of OpenGL; the most popular version is OpenGL 4.2.

OpenGL programming for beginners

OpenGL stands for Open Graphics Library. It is a cross-platform API for creating programs that manipulate 2D and 3D graphics on computers.

It is common to hear, “It’s just for games,” but OpenGL is a powerful tool for various purposes, from game development graphics and scientific visualization to 3D printing.

In this tutorial, we’ll look at how to use OpenGL to create an interactive 3D map of the world. The World Map in 3D is a fun and educational project. It lets you explore the world from any angle and learn about geography. You can make your 3D map of the world using Google Earth Engine or load an existing one.

OpenGL programming for intermediate users

We will look at openGL 4.2 in this post, but the concepts can also be applied to openGL 3.3.

To begin with, we need to create a context, which is done by calling glfwInit(). This function allocates memory for our window and initializes it and its components.

Next, we need to set up the context we want to use. To do so, we pass in the window handle, which is returned by glfwCreateWindow() and glfwGetWindow().

Then, we set up a context, which we do by calling glfwMakeContextCurrent(). This function sets up the current context, which is the context that will receive all events.

After setting up the context, we set up the window, which is done by calling glfwSetWindow(). The window handle is passed to this function.

Now that we have the window setup, we need to create the GLFW window, which is done by calling glfwCreateWindow(). The window handle is passed to this function.

Finally, we need to initialize the GLFW library, which is done by calling glfwInit().

Once the GLFW library is initialized, we must check if the program runs successfully. This is done by calling glfwCheckError() and passing in the error code. If this returns zero, then the program ran successfully.

Next, we need to load the shaders, which is done by calling glUseProgram() and passing in the program object we created earlier.

The next step is to bind the shaders to the program object. To do this, we call glBindProgram().

Now that the shaders are bound, we need to set up the shader pipeline, which is done by calling glLinkProgram().

After linking the program, we need to check if the program runs successfully. This is done by calling glGetProgramiv() and passing in the program object, the index of the shader, and the attribute to check.

OpenGL programming for advanced users

You’re in luck if you want to program computer graphics in OpenGL. A ton of free information is available online for those willing to learn.

To start, you should know what the different versions of OpenGL are and what the differences are between them.

OpenGL is an API for developers to write software that creates 2D and 3D graphics. It is the de facto standard for most of the professional 3D programs out there.

There are two major versions of openGL: openGL 3. x and openGL 4. x.

OpenGL 3. x is a much older version than openGL 4. x. Many programs support it, but it is often outdated. OpenGL 4. x is the latest version and has advantages over openGL 3. x.

Frequently asked questions about OpenGL.

Q: What is the difference between “OpenGL” and “3D Modeling”?

A: OpenGl is the language used to make models with and manipulate them on the screen, and 3D modeling is the technology used to make them.

Q: Do you know of any good sites that teach “OpenGL”?

A: There are plenty. They range from tutorials to books. The most popular site is

Q: Does anyone have any good advice on making models in OpenGL?

A: Yes! Read a tutorial or watch someone else do it. Also, read books.

Q: What do you think is the future of computer graphics?

A: I hope there is still a need for computer graphics. As long as there is a need for video games, there will be a need for 3D graphics.

Top Myths About OpenGL

  1. OpenGL is very hard to learn
  2. OpenGL has a steep learning curve
  3. You must be a computer graphics programmer or graphics artist to do graphics programming with OpenGL.


Computer graphics is the art and science of creating realistic images on a computer screen. It’s used in everything from video games and movies to web browsers and medical imaging software.

To create an image, you need a bunch of information, including the color of every pixel on the screen and the position of every object in the scene.

This is where OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) comes into play.

OpenGL is a programming interface that lets you interact with graphics hardware on your computer.

OpenGL doesn’t do any drawing itself; it just tells the graphics card how to draw stuff.

OpenGL is part of a larger set of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that let you write programs to make 3D graphics.

There are many different types of graphics cards, but the two most common are OpenGL and DirectX.

For now, we’ll focus on the API used by OpenGL.

OpenGL is the main API used by OpenGL ES, a subset of OpenGL designed for embedded devices. 

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