4 Conversations All Serious Couples Should Have

When people first start dating, the relationship feels new and exciting. Couples in this initial “honeymoon” stage tend to avoid difficult conversations. After all, they’re just getting to know one another.

However, critical conversations must be had as relationships progress and couples envision a life together. Keep reading to learn about four topics every severe team should discuss.

1. The Kids Conversation

Choosing whether or not you want children is a life-changing decision. This is why knowing where your partner stands on this topic is essential before the relationship gets too severe. From sleepless nights to financial expenses, someone may not want kids for many reasons. On the other hand, some people might look forward to nurturing and creating a loving relationship with a child. Talk with your partner about the topic wherever you stand to ensure you’re on the same page.

Before starting the conversation, you need to be prepared to listen genuinely. You and your partner may not be aligned on this topic, which may be upsetting. However, try to place your emotions aside to understand why your partner feels like they do. If one person insists on becoming a parent while the other is adamantly opposed, you might be a poor match.

If you discover you both want children, discuss your ideal timeline for parenthood. For couples who aren’t ready to start a family, options like online birth control make postponing conception easy. Teams interested in conceiving soon should schedule preconception appointments with their doctors. This will ensure both parties are healthy and ready for pregnancy.

2. The Marriage Conversation

So you’ve been dating for a while and think your partner may be the one. Should you get married? What does the next step in the relationship look like? These are great questions, but ask yourself what you want before talking with your partner. This will help you enter the conversation informed of your desires and ready for a purposeful discussion.

After reflecting, set an evening aside to discuss with your partner. While this doesn’t need to be too severe a discussion, it’s not one to have at a dinner party—plan to chat in a private place where you’re both comfortable.

You may feel nervous about telling your partner you want to get married or that you’re not interested in marriage. Acknowledge these feelings at the beginning of the discussion. This will help you speak more freely and allow your partner to do the same. Ask open-ended questions to understand their perspective to understand your partner’s needs.

3. The Money Conversation

Many people would rather talk about sex or politics over personal finance. A recent study found that 50% of Brits think chatting about money is taboo. However, if you want to build a life with someone, you eventually must talk about finances. Understanding each other’s spending habits sooner rather than later is better.

Be honest. You might be tempted to forget about your financial situation, which will only lead to problems. If you have student loans or credit card debt, tell your partner. These may seem like personal money problems, but if you marry, these debts also become your partner’s problem. It’s hard to keep money secrets for long, and lying about your finances could end the relationship.

While how you spend money is important, it’s not the only factor to discuss. Understanding how much money you both make will help determine what lifestyle you can afford together. Additionally, it would be best if you discussed your financial goals for the future. Knowing whether you want to purchase a home or take luxurious vacations will allow you to set savings goals together.

4. The Values Conversation

Love alone won’t keep a relationship alive. It would be best if you shared similar core values as well. While other areas of relationships typically have room for compromise, our core values usually don’t. If you move too fast without understanding one another’s beliefs, you may set the relationship up for failure.

Core values are your guiding beliefs that direct all your actions. For example, if trust is one of yours, you’ll try to be open and honest in your relationships. However, if trust isn’t an essential value for your partner, you may be butting heads.

It would help if you began to get a sense of your partner’s core values over time. However, asking open-ended questions can help facilitate a larger conversation. You might start with “What do you value most in life?” and “Why do you hold those values?” While you may not share the same beliefs, ensuring your core values are aligned is essential. Doing so will set the foundation for a solid long-term relationship.

The “honeymoon” phase doesn’t last forever. If you’re looking for a life partner, you must have some critical conversations to ensure you’re on the same page. Conversations around kids, marriage, money, and values can make you a stronger couple. On the other hand, if you discover you’re unaligned, it’s better to know sooner rather than later.

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